Lieutenant Baron Dunning is an American investigator and a former US Marshal. He is stripped of his clothes and found naked, standing on the side of the road at a temporary roadblock of burning barrels of oil in Northern Nigeria. As he follows the fraudulent international money trail to Wisconsin, many surprises await the Lieutenant. He unexpectedly discovers an unending series of events linked to various individuals competing for ownership of Woebegone Dunes Resort and the Hermitage at Gravestone Castle. The story unfolds as an irredeemable series of seemingly disconnected events of murder and mayhem. Everything is sadly askew, off-kilter, and caddywampus.
Bo-Bo Bigelow is the antagonist, a true supervillain, mastermind, and exporter of stolen natural resources. Father Feely, the founder of the Hermitage at Gravestone Castle, is Bo-Bo’s enabler and financial advisor. Jack Daniels is the luxurious Woebegone Dunes Resort owner in Northeast Wisconsin, headquarters to the Royal Enouement Society. A secret organization whose activities, events, inner functioning, and membership are unknown. The cast of supporting characters is humorous, sexy, corrupt, and dangerous. Readers will be eager to know if Lieutenant Dunning finds the answers he seeks—to the case or to life’s deep philosophical questions—amidst the chaos? |